Stay Home, Stay Safe
California's State of Emergency due to COVID-19

During this COVID-19 pandemic our office has taken safety measures to protect both our staff, attorney, clients, and community. California Governor Gavin Newsom issued a State of Emergency mid-March as a protective and safety measure due to the coronavirus and it's rapid spread.
Business Hours Remain the Same, But Business Will Be Conducted Remotely
Our office is still in working order and we have returned to working in office. Due to current safety measures we are still not accepting in person office visits for consultations or meeting with clients in office. Know that during this time we are available Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and Fridays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. We can be reached by various means, which includes: telephone, text, e-mail, and video conference, if necessary. We will continue to be available to assist with your legal needs, answer your questions and schedule consultations via phone or video.
If you are looking to schedule an initial consultation you can contact us via phone or text message at (909) 481-0100. A member from our office will gladly answer your call and do their best to help you with your needs. Thank you for understanding our current inability to meet you personally. We stand ready to help, even during this difficult time.
Current Clients
If you are a current client and your case is in litigation, please know that all civil hearings and trials have been postponed until at least after April 30, 2020, or later for all counties. The courts are automatically vacating and resetting hearings which were currently set before April 30. We are monitoring the Courts' websites for new updates and information. As it becomes available us, we will update you accordingly.
The best way to continue to work with your case manager is through e-mail. If you have questions, or you are working through discovery responses, or have needs for medical care, e-mail your case manager and she will respond to your needs as quickly as possible. Please be patient as we all go through these odd times together.
The Inland Empire Law Group is Fighting to Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19
Please follow the recommendations from health and safety officials. For the latest information about the coronavirus, you can visit the CDC website at

Check our website for more Inland Empire Law Group updates and articles during the COVID-19 pandemic.