Unlicensed drivers are all too often dangerous to their passengers and to those legally and carefully using the streets. Some of those dangers include unsafe driving, excessive speed, driving under the influence and lack of insurance coverage for injuries caused to others due to their unsafe driving. Licensing is a minimal hurdle imposed by every state of the United States to try to protect the general public. Despite the legal requirement to be licensed, there are those who wilfully and knowingly violate the law and drive when unlicensed, or after their privileges to drive are revoked.
Ontario, California experienced the horrible affects of a highly negligent unlicensed teenage driver. According to police, four teenagers were involved in a fiery crash when a unlicensed teenage driver, Edward Rubio, was driving recklessly, lost control of his car, struck a wall and then a traffic pole. Two 16 year old female occupants were killed in the accident.
There are no words to explain this tragedy and its affects on all the families and friends touched by this senseless loss of life. Following an accident of this nature issues arise which involve liability, insurance coverage and damages. Here are three challenges faced in single car accidents such as this Ontario, California accident.
Challenges in Filing a Car Accident Claim
First, is the fear of making a claim against a friend or relative who caused the accident. In any single car accident, where the driver is a family member or friend, nearly always there is a hesitancy to assert a claim for damages. This should not be a concern. If insurance was purchased and covers the damages suffered in the accident, a claim would start against the driver’s insurance company rather than the individual directly. Insurance was purchased for the very purpose of protecting those injured due to the negligence of the driver. Only if the person does not have insurance, or insufficient insurance, would the claim possibly proceed against the individual. At that point, the injured victim makes the decision as to what he or she wishes to do.
The second challenge comes from determining whether or not the driver was properly insured. When a driver is unlicensed, driving with a suspended license or is excluded from a family insurance policy, they are often not insured. A person can be unlicensed and still be insured. Knowing how to find all the right insurance coverage is a key component to securing the proper compensation for the injuries suffered.
Finally, there is the issue of trying to handle a claim in such a way as to avoid further damage the relationship between family and friends. A good attorney can help minimize this challenge by making an effort to help the healing process while still making sure all the appropriate compensation is exchanged for the injuries suffered.
Contact Our California Car Accident Attorneys Today
The aftermath of an accident can be terribly challenging. Turning over the legal challenges to a competent and knowledgeable personal injury attorney is just one way to start the healing process.