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Seeking Compensation for Infected Dog BitesInfected dog bites can result in significant medical expenses as well as lost wages. Learn how to protect your right to compensation.
Pet Liability Coverage: What Dog Bite Attack Victims Need to KnowDog bites can leave victims with significant expenses, but several insurance options may exist for settling your personal injury claim.
Understanding How California’s Strict Liability Rule Affects Your Dog Bite CompensationStates can use the one bite or strict liability approach to determine if an owner is liable for a dog bite attack. California is a strict liability state.
Determining Your Eligibility for Dog Bite CompensationDog bite victims are entitled to compensation for their injuries, but a number of factors are used to determine what constitutes a fair settlement.
Liability for Underride Collisions: Filing a Personal Injury or Wrongful Death ClaimUnderride collisions often large trucks and smaller vehicles often resulting in fatal or severely disabling injuries.
Dog Bite Scars and Your Personal Injury SettlementDog bite scars leave victims with a physical reminder of their trauma, in addition to creating problems with anxiety, self-esteem, and body image.
Expert Testimony in Medical Malpractice Cases: What You Need to KnowMedical malpractice cases can be challenging to prove, which is why expert testimony is necessary in establishing key elements of the case.
Demand Letters Play a Key Role to Settling Your Personal Injury ClaimCreating a compelling personal injury demand letter is a vital step to strategic negotiations of personal injury settlements with insurance companies.
Dog Bites Leave Kids With Physical and Emotional ScarsChildhood dog bite attacks will leave children with both physical and emotional scars. Learn how to protect your child’s right to proper compensation.
Lawyers are Instrumental in Helping Dog Bite Victims Receive Sufficient CompensationDog bite attacks often result in hefty medical expenses, lost wages, and significant emotional damages. A lawyer's assistance can help you receive compensation.
Dog Bite Statistics: What You Need to KnowDog bites are more common than you might expect, leaving victims with both physical injuries and mental trauma. Learn how to protect yourself from this threat.
Rear-End Collisions Can Cause Serious Injuries: Learn How to Protect YourselfIn a rear-end collision, serious injuries can result. Learn more about the types of injuries that can result and how to receive compensation