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Electric Scooter Accidents Are on the Rise in CaliforniaElectric scooters are common—and so are accidents with them. Injured in a California scooter accident? Depending on the circumstances, we may be able to help.
Mechanical Problems Can Cause Devastating California Car CrashesHurt in a car crash caused by a mechanical issue? Find out how you could be entitled to compensation your California injuries and how an attorney can help.
Seeking Compensation for High-Speed Police Pursuit AccidentsBystanders injured in California police pursuits may be entitled to compensation. Let our skilled attorneys help you fight for a fair recovery. Learn more.
What to Do After a Motorcycle AccidentWhat you do after a motorcycle crash can have a lasting impact on your ability to collect damages for your losses. Find out how to enforce your rights.
Drugged Driving: Medication Side Effects Can Cause Devastating Car CrashesIllicit drugs aren't the only substances that can affect driving performance. Some prescription & over-the-counter meds can also impair driving. Learn more.
Coronavirus Trucking AccidentsRelaxation of trucking safety regulations during the COVID-19 crisis may lead to an increase in truck crashes. Find out how we can help if you were hurt.
How Truck Accident and Car Accident Cases DifferCar crash and truck accident cases aren't as similar as one might think. Find out why obtaining compensation for truck crash injuries can be so challenging.
When Cars Collide With Bikes the Results Can Be CatastrophicCollisions between vehicles and bicycles can have catastrophic consequences. Hurt in a car and bike crash? Our attorneys can help you fight for a fair recovery.
How Trucking Companies Can Cause Truck AccidentsA trucker may not be the only one responsible for the truck crash that injured you. The company they drive for may also be liable. Find out how we can help.
Red Light Running Accidents and Fatalities Are on the RiseRed light running crashes are on the rise. Hurt in an accident caused by a driver who ran a red light? You may be entitled to damages. Find out how we can help.
Self-Driving Cars: NHTSA Investigation Reveals Limitations and Safety ConcernsSelf-driving vehicles are supposed to be safer than those with human drivers, but an NHTSA report shows startling and dangerous limitations to the technology.
How Fault Is Determined in a California Car AccidentHurt in an accident and it's due to someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. Find out how fault is decided in a California car crash.